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How does acupuncture affect the body?

Acupuncture points stimulate the central nervous system to release natural chemicals (such as endorphins) and neurotransmitters (chemicals that control nerve impulses) into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being. Essentially it helps your body communicate at optimal levels with the central nervous system to take it out of Fight-Or-Flight mode in order to self regulate.

Acupuncture is also said to influence the autonomic nervous system (which controls bodily functions) and the release of chemicals that regulate blood flow and pressure, reduce inflammation, and calm the brain.

While acupuncture is a modality that is effective in treating symptoms of existing disease, it is primarily used in its countries of origin to promote longevity. The underlying concept of treatment is to support and stimulate the body’s natural tendency to heal and regenerate itself.  Keeping our bodies and minds maintained at optimal levels allows us to achieve long-term health and wellness, thus preventing disease before it manifests.

What does Acupuncture feel like?

When proper stimulation is reached after inserting the needles, patients may feel a dull pressure at the point that is being needled. They may also feel a twitching sensation that lasts a few seconds. These are the desired responses to needling because it shows both patient and practitioner that there has been a reaction from the nervous system and Qi has been reached. Patients should not feel pain and if they do, often times it is momentary. If there is still a lingering pain after needling, the practitioner may adjust the needle slightly to dissipate the sensation for the patient’s comfort. It’s less painful that the needles used for vaccines or blood draws. Acupuncture needles are solid, not hollow, and are as thin as a strand of hair.

What Are The Risks?

While acupuncture is safe when practiced by a trained practitioner, the risks to treatment are present, yet minimal for the most part. In areas of the upper back and upper chest, caution must be taken in both the depth and angle that a needle is inserted in protection of the lungs, and therefore, gentle needling is administered. On other areas of the body, it is safe to needle deeper. At worst, a patient may experience a light bruise or momentary discomfort.  

What happens during an acupuncture treatment?

Your 90 minute initial treatment will start with an intake of your medical background and a thorough discussion of your health goals for the future, which runs around 20mins. For the remainder of the session, I will implement a treatment that is tailored to meet your health goals. We may discuss herbal therapies, positive lifestyle changes, or some nutritional therapies as well. Also be sure to wear loose comfortable attire, so you can fully relax during the treatment.  The needles are sterile, disposable and as thin as a human hair. An acupuncturist inserts needles at various depths, from a fraction of an inch to a couple of inches. The needles stay in anywhere from a few minutes to approximately 20 minutes. Once all needles have been inserted, it is common for patients to relax and even take a nap. This is the best case scenario, because it’s during this time that the body is in the process of recovery and self-restoration.

How many treatments will I need to see improvement?

The frequency and number of treatments differ from person to person. Oftentimes, it depends on the condition a patient is coming in for, as well as the severity of symptoms and how long they have been experiencing them. For long-standing chronic conditions, 1-2 treatments per week for several months is recommended. For acute problems, usually fewer visits are required. An individualized treatment plan that includes the expected number of treatments will be discussed during your initial visit.At the first treatment, some patients experience dramatic relief immediately following the session. On average, it is recommended to have about 4-5 sessions before starting to feel significant results.

What conditions can be treated with acupuncture?


  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Acne
  • Anxiety
  • Cancer treatment side effects
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Depression
  • Dizziness & vertigo
  • Digestive/Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Facial pain or facial paralysis
  • Facial rejuvenation (treating fine lines, wrinkles and complexion)
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Fatigue
  • Fertility
  • Hypertension
  • Insomnia
  • Muscular or sports related injuries
  • Pain reduction & management
  • Postpartum
  • PTSD
  • PCOS
  • Sciatica
  • Stroke
  • TMJ Disorders